CarnaForage is our version of a super green smoothie that is perfect for dogs with allergy issues. It is packed with a wide variety of greens, soothing raw goat milk, and liver supportive DANDELION, known for its high levels of lecithin and vitamin A. We finish this allergy relieving enhancement with MILK THISTLE, CILANTRO, and SPIRULINA to strengthen and protect the liver from toxins, making it perfect for those pets with a sensitive stomach, chronic indigestion, pancreatitis, or GI tract inflammation.
Nutritional Fast Facts
Calories: 3760 per kg (107 per oz)
Raw Milk From Holistically Raised Goats
Manganese: 38.2 ppm
Active Ingredients per fl. oz.
Spirulina .................. 1400mg
Dandelion Leaf ........ 500mg
Milk Thistle Seed .............. 225mg
Feeding Instructions
The everyday feeding recommendation is 1/2 ounce of enhance product for every 10 pounds of body weight. You can feed it with your pet’s meal or in a separate bowl as a treat. This recommendation will help you enhance your dog’s diet with raw nutrition and super-foods on a daily basis. Below is a feeding chart with the cost to feed for all three enhance products.
Pet's WeightOz to FeedCost to Feed (per day)